The Educational Leadership (EdD) program at App State
Take that final step. As a terminal academic degree, the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership (EdD) at Appalachian State University is designed to equip leaders with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enact positive change in education.
The EdD doctoral program attracts professionals intent on making a difference. Through core leadership and research courses, you will learn to apply theory to practice to make educational systems more effective, more equitable and more sustainable.
Through professionally oriented concentrations, you will gain advanced knowledge in your disciplinary specialization and prepare yourself to assume higher levels of organizational leadership.
More information on Educational Leadership
- Instructional Designer
- School District Office Administration
- Community College Director
- Literacy Coordinator
Degree details
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Course information
- Higher Education: Course information
- Educational Administration: Course information
- Instructional Technology Leadership: Course information
- Literacy in Exceptionalities: Course information
Note: Not all courses listed may be delivered to App State Online students. Refer curriculum questions to the program contact.
Program information
- Up to 30 credits waived for Appalachian EdS graduates
- Attendance to an on-campus orientation prior to the start of the program is recommended
- Classes in this program will meet synchronously online two nights a week
Eligibility and program requirements
Applicants must:
- meet Graduate School admission criteria
- hold a master’s degree from an accredited college or university
Admissions Exam:
An admission exam is not required for this program.
Application requirements:
- Three references
- Letter of intent: Address the following questions without exceeding 6 double-spaced pages. In doing so, consider how you might respond in an integrated manner, in a way that tells your story, rather than responding to each question separately. You may add an additional page for any references using APA 7th edition citation style.
- What contemporary educational problems/issues do you care most about, given your context and standpoint as an educational leader?
- What motivates you to pursue a doctorate in educational leadership, and why at Appalachian? At this point in your life/career, why is doctoral study worth the significant investment required?
- What theories or research have influenced your thinking about those problems/issues? How do you envision that your future scholarship could support change?
- How prepared do you feel to be successful in a doctoral program, given the intense reading, thinking, reflection and writing expected?How would your membership in our academic community support the vision and/or core values of Appalachian State University
- What else would you like to tell us about your unique background, strengths, commitments, and preparation to pursue an EdD?
Professional Licensure
Appalachian State programs that lead to a professional licensure or certificate are intended to prepare students for licensure or certification in North Carolina. Check the Professional Licensure webpage for information on licensure requirements in other states.